Sunday, April 27, 2014

Starting Over Again

Hi All:

I'm proud to say that I am back running again. Due to surgery and then Bronchitis and Strep, I lost 6 months of running. Needless to say, I'm back at square one.

I wanted to post my weekly stats here because I'm pretty proud of the week I've had.

I returned to walking/running on March 20. That week I only went out walking once for 1.38 miles and 1 run for 1.15 miles. Boy, my legs felt like lead. I lost all of my conditioning.

I didn't walk again until April 6 for 1.12 miles and ran on April 18 for 1.52 miles. Last week however, I sat down and made a plan. I did my best to stick to it and I'm pleased with what I did. Here is the recap:

Sunday, walk 1.35 miles
Monday, walk 1.09 miles
Tuesday, lunch walk .89 miles, walk with daughter for 1.11 miles then ran 2.16 miles
Wednesday, rest day and legs hurt
Thursday, rest day and legs still hurt
Friday, unplanned rest day
Saturday, ran 1.93 miles in the trail

Total mileage was 8.5 miles. Average pace of 18.05 and best at 14:55 on Tuesday.

Need to add some strength training as well.

Keep pushing hard and getting healthy!


Wednesday, August 14, 2013

New SweatPink Ambassador!

Hi All:

I am so excited. I was just approved to be a new SweatPink Ambassador!

I love to encourage people no mater what they are trying or accomplishing. I love to hear their stories and track their successes with them.

On the flip side, I learn so much by reading these stories and asking questions. Even though I am just a baby at running, I am learning, growing and getting strong. This is a journey I want to be on for the rest of my life. I need it and my body needs it. I may have gotten started later in life but I still got started.

Please follow me and hopefully I can inspire you to do more and be more. You will always have an ear and a shoulder if you ever need one in me!

Saturday, August 3, 2013

It's Time To Get 'er Done

Hi All:

Just had an unbelievable event happen. I went shopping. I had to. See, none of my dress pants fit me. Terrible right?! LOL!

When I started this journey about 6 months ago, I didn't really have a weight goal or pants size in mind. I just knew that I was uncomfortable in my own body. Every pair of pants, jeans or shorts I put on, they were tight and I had to suck in my gut. Ugh. Why would I want to feel like that everyday when I didn't have to?

Joining WW was the smartest thing I've ever done. It taught me portion control and more importantly, it taught me to pay attention to everything I was eating. Getting off the sugar was the hardest part but after a few days, the cravings stopped. Although I could, on the plan, allow myself a little, I knew that I couldn't. It would be like opening up the gates and giving me free will to indulge. I stayed away and it wasn't that bad.

Along with eating right, I started taking running seriously. Ok, in the beginning I was walking and "lopping" - not quite jogging and definately not running. My legs were heavy, my middle jiggled and my lungs, well, they were not happy with me. But I kept at it. Determined. I wanted to feel better.

I am glad that I measured myself every week. Although I only had one week that was a gain, the inches were dropping off like crazy. I went into weigh ins each week smiling and with a positive attitude. If the scale didn't "reward" me with a loss, that was okay. I knew I tracked everything and was doing it right.

So the week came when I finally asked what my ideal weight should be because I needed to pick a goal weight. It wasn't easy. I didn't know what I was going to feel like at that number and I sure didn't know what I was going to look like. They suggested one, I thought it was too low so we met in the middle. As that number approached, I started to think it wasn't going to be enough. So I chose a pants size that I would LOVE to fit into. Size 6. Wow, when was the last time I was in a 6? I almost felt like there was no way that was ever going to happen. After all, I was 50, overweight for too long and did I mention 50?

When I started, I was in a size 12 dress pant. Not comfortably may I add but I refused to buy any bigger. When I chose my goal of a 6, well it was almost more than I could comprehend. Then, for reasons I've now come to understand, I got mad. Really mad. Mad at myself for waiting so long to make a change! Why?!?! The answer is simple. I wasn't ready. Now I am. Period.

Well, I started this story that I had a shopping day today. I had bought 2 pair of size 6 pants a few months back. As you could imagine, my 12's and 10's were falling off of me and it looked terrible. The problem then became, now that I've hit my goal number, that the 6's no longer fit either! :)

So today, on this momentus occassion that I proudly share with all of you, I fit into and bought a size 4. I feel like I am standing at the palace on a balcony and the crowds are going wild. Yes, I am striking a pose. Proud mama right here.

I promise to do before and after pics soon. I just need to find a before that I don't cringe at. I'll also model my new pants for you after I hem them. Darn right I bought them even though they were way too long! They were a 4 and they fit beautifully! LOL!

Here's hoping that your runs are fast and fun!

Monday, July 22, 2013

There's a Battle in My Head. I Hope I Win!

Ha! Ever have one of those runs where you mind argues with you? Boy I had one of those this week. It's actually funny to look back on now but it went something like this:

The first mile, I struggled with my breathing but after it settled, my thoughts took over. I had a specific route in mind and wasn't going to settle for anything less.

"Ok, it's really hot and humid. Feel like I'm running in mud."
"Stop your whining, we are staying on course"

"Just saying that your pace is a bit quick and your not going to make it"
"Watch me"

"How about we turn around here and shorten this street by just a tiny bit?"
"No. We are going to the last driveway like always"

"But it's hot!"
"But I'm not listening."

"Fine. Okay turn now"
"We aren't at the very end of the driveway opening yet"

"Ok, now"
"Don't even thing about it"

"Keep it up and we will go to the next driveway"

"Fine, you'll pass out anyway"
"Fine, now we are going to the next driveway"

I wonder why I was exhausted when I got home!

I will admit that it was probably one of the harder runs I've done and I've thought about it a lot. Going to just chalk it up to the heat and humidity and move on.

Here's hoping that your runs are fast and fun!

Thursday, July 18, 2013

About Me

Welcome to Run Shines! My name is Deb and I am so excited to finally get this blog up and running. I am very upbeat, love to have fun and love to share my quirky life experiences. I am hoping that you will share with me as well.

Let me tell you a little about me. I work at a desk job as H.R. and Accounting. I love numbers, math, etc. Makes me a numbers geek (I am the first to admit it). I have a passion for life and love being social and interacting with all sorts of people. Over the years, I learned to Stop and Smell The Roses, but there are a few facts about me you need to know going in. One, I am very passionate about anything that I do. I’ve experienced some devastating losses in life and I have a great respect for all things good. Life is too short to be miserable so I like to have fun and laugh. With that said, I feel deeply when things go wrong. Maybe too much so.

Secondly, I am a Type-A personality. Something I didn’t know until a few years ago. Being Type-A, well, that makes it okay for me to overdue everything that I touch, try or learn. It’s all or nothing with me. If I can’t do it well (or right) then I will drive myself to the brink until I get it right. How that applies to me becoming a runner is enough to drive anyone mad. Alas, a story for another time.

I am a wife, mother to 2 beautiful daughters, caregiver to my parents and an extremely hard worker. I wanted, or should I say needed, something to help me find me and my strength. I needed to lose a few pounds that have been creeping on. I needed to feel strong and accomplished and I desperately needed a way to burn stress and find some peace.

I have always wanted to be a runner. I was not overly athletic in my day but always a tom-boy growing up. If it could be climbed, fallen out of, splashed in or carried home in my pocket, I did it. Running to me was not something I ever thought I could do. Okay, maybe I thought that because I was, let’s say, well gifted on top? (By the way, losing 17 pounds has taken care of the “excess” Hahaha) 

About 2 years ago, I worked with a wonderful gentleman who had a lot of weight to lose. He said that he was going to follow the couch to 5-k program and run a 5k later that year. Me, being the perpetual cheerleader said “I’ll do it with you!” I started the program and found out extremely quickly, how inactive I had been. I probably got to week 4 and couldn’t go any more. I was sure I was doing it wrong (and was). So when the 5k arrived, he had blown out a knee and couldn’t continue and I walked 98% of it with a couple of good friends. We ran across the finish line just because there was a crowd. That was my first 5k experience.

I also tried to run another 5k that year. It was difficult because i had not built up my endurance at all. I ran most of it and promptly hurled at the finish line. Lesson #1 - Patience. Lesson #2 - It takes time. After that 5 k, I stopped running. Honestly could not figure out why I could not do it. Looking back now, I wish someone would have slapped me and told me it would just be a matter of time.

My perception of the running process all changed in January 2013. I had a birthday. I had hit 50. Not happy with my fitness level or my ability to do anything without losing my breath. So I joined Weight Watchers in March. My head was in it, my heart was in it and I was ready to run. Literally. In January I started the couch to 5k program and signed up for my first 5k of 2013. Something happened during the process of hatching from a walker to a runner. I found a new respect for healthy. I found so much pride and strength in running! I was a runner!

My first 5k planned was the Warrior Dash in June. Plenty of time to prepare. In March, I had a good friend ask me to do a 5k close by. I said yes before I realized that it was 3 weeks away in April. Up to that point, I had only run 2.5 mile at the most. Needless to say, I ran the 5K in April and was very proud and felt accomplished. I followed that with a 6K in June and the Warrior Dash in June. Now I have my sites set on a 10K. Bring it on!

In 2013 so far, I've lost 16 pounds, gained a new respect and pride in myself and can't wait for what the future brings. I've only just begun...

Saturday, July 13, 2013

Coming Soon!

Wow! Designing a new blog is so involved. Although it probably isn't. I'm just a perfectionist...its a curse I tell you!  

Brand new running Facebook page and 


Both need a lot of work and love. Come join me in my 

running, weight loss and healthier journey in life!

Run Shines is Coming Soon!