Monday, July 22, 2013

There's a Battle in My Head. I Hope I Win!

Ha! Ever have one of those runs where you mind argues with you? Boy I had one of those this week. It's actually funny to look back on now but it went something like this:

The first mile, I struggled with my breathing but after it settled, my thoughts took over. I had a specific route in mind and wasn't going to settle for anything less.

"Ok, it's really hot and humid. Feel like I'm running in mud."
"Stop your whining, we are staying on course"

"Just saying that your pace is a bit quick and your not going to make it"
"Watch me"

"How about we turn around here and shorten this street by just a tiny bit?"
"No. We are going to the last driveway like always"

"But it's hot!"
"But I'm not listening."

"Fine. Okay turn now"
"We aren't at the very end of the driveway opening yet"

"Ok, now"
"Don't even thing about it"

"Keep it up and we will go to the next driveway"

"Fine, you'll pass out anyway"
"Fine, now we are going to the next driveway"

I wonder why I was exhausted when I got home!

I will admit that it was probably one of the harder runs I've done and I've thought about it a lot. Going to just chalk it up to the heat and humidity and move on.

Here's hoping that your runs are fast and fun!

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