Saturday, August 3, 2013

It's Time To Get 'er Done

Hi All:

Just had an unbelievable event happen. I went shopping. I had to. See, none of my dress pants fit me. Terrible right?! LOL!

When I started this journey about 6 months ago, I didn't really have a weight goal or pants size in mind. I just knew that I was uncomfortable in my own body. Every pair of pants, jeans or shorts I put on, they were tight and I had to suck in my gut. Ugh. Why would I want to feel like that everyday when I didn't have to?

Joining WW was the smartest thing I've ever done. It taught me portion control and more importantly, it taught me to pay attention to everything I was eating. Getting off the sugar was the hardest part but after a few days, the cravings stopped. Although I could, on the plan, allow myself a little, I knew that I couldn't. It would be like opening up the gates and giving me free will to indulge. I stayed away and it wasn't that bad.

Along with eating right, I started taking running seriously. Ok, in the beginning I was walking and "lopping" - not quite jogging and definately not running. My legs were heavy, my middle jiggled and my lungs, well, they were not happy with me. But I kept at it. Determined. I wanted to feel better.

I am glad that I measured myself every week. Although I only had one week that was a gain, the inches were dropping off like crazy. I went into weigh ins each week smiling and with a positive attitude. If the scale didn't "reward" me with a loss, that was okay. I knew I tracked everything and was doing it right.

So the week came when I finally asked what my ideal weight should be because I needed to pick a goal weight. It wasn't easy. I didn't know what I was going to feel like at that number and I sure didn't know what I was going to look like. They suggested one, I thought it was too low so we met in the middle. As that number approached, I started to think it wasn't going to be enough. So I chose a pants size that I would LOVE to fit into. Size 6. Wow, when was the last time I was in a 6? I almost felt like there was no way that was ever going to happen. After all, I was 50, overweight for too long and did I mention 50?

When I started, I was in a size 12 dress pant. Not comfortably may I add but I refused to buy any bigger. When I chose my goal of a 6, well it was almost more than I could comprehend. Then, for reasons I've now come to understand, I got mad. Really mad. Mad at myself for waiting so long to make a change! Why?!?! The answer is simple. I wasn't ready. Now I am. Period.

Well, I started this story that I had a shopping day today. I had bought 2 pair of size 6 pants a few months back. As you could imagine, my 12's and 10's were falling off of me and it looked terrible. The problem then became, now that I've hit my goal number, that the 6's no longer fit either! :)

So today, on this momentus occassion that I proudly share with all of you, I fit into and bought a size 4. I feel like I am standing at the palace on a balcony and the crowds are going wild. Yes, I am striking a pose. Proud mama right here.

I promise to do before and after pics soon. I just need to find a before that I don't cringe at. I'll also model my new pants for you after I hem them. Darn right I bought them even though they were way too long! They were a 4 and they fit beautifully! LOL!

Here's hoping that your runs are fast and fun!

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